Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fitbit Day # 5

O.K. Day five is much better....and you guessed I am going to bed before midnight... Good night!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fitbit Four Hit the Door!!!

"Don't stop when your tired stop when your done... " Wow...after yesterday this spoke to me... I am more competitive then I thought... meeting my goals today was the main goal..... So after a day of cold calling in the rain... and not meeting my step goal or stair goal ... I was very discouraged.  So I took a cat nap... went to the grocery store (around 9:45 p.m.) and came back and got busy... I had to get real busy and creative... it is still raining...and there are no stairs in my house... and I needed to climb three flights of stairs... so what do I do... I start stepping on the sofa, the ottoman, a bar stool, office stool and until I hit 10 floors climbed today... I wasn't going to stop!!!  Here is the obstacle course I created...

I will say I am glad my son was asleep and did not see his momma climbing on the furniture!!!

So you can see this week has been a little up and a little down...

 When I see this in the chart... it is apparent I sit too much...but I don't think I would make it to my appointments on time I am going to have to increase my very active percentage... and get creative on burning calories while driving around making sales calls... fun fun fun... I guess I better run... :)

Until tomorrow... I am I am stopping... :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

40 Days of Fitbit Day Three...

Day Three for me:
  • 13368 STEPS
  • 5.58 MILES

I have attached the picture of my new little fitbit friend ... as you reach each goal the little guy sends you a message!!!  

Even with not doing as well as yesterday's crazy record (for me)... I got a message that says YOU ROCK!!!

So this rock is signing out... it is 12:07 a.m.


Monday, January 7, 2013

40 days of Fitbit - Day Two Just for You!!!:)

Today was day two...and it started off great...watching the steps as I walked around the office and went in and out of clients offices... Logging my food, water, ...even had my daughter try to tempt me with Schlotzsky's and NO... I did not... give in... But at the end of my day... at 7:30 I still had not reach my goal of 10,000 steps... so I went for a walk with my son again...and my husband.  AND BAMM!!! WE DID IT AGAIN!!! Love this little tracker...

So you see there are several things we have to achieve here in addition to water and counting the calories of food:

  • STEPS ---not so hard...just got to keep moving moving moving...Goal is 10,000 per day... we banked 13,756!!!
  • FLOORS CLIMBED---didn't really even try to meet this goal and just walking in and out of buildings...taking the stairs and not the elevator...Goal for the day is 10 and bamm... I climbed 13 Floors... good grief who knew!!!  
  • MILES TRAVELED in a day... you would be amazed at how much you can travel in a day just walking around.... Goal for every day is 5 miles... today we did 6.19 miles
  • CALORIES BURNED...Now  this is the little thing that when I looked at my little fitbit friend... I had met all the other goals but this one... and when it says I need to burn 2169 calories a day...and I was about 188 calories shy... you guessed it ... I got on the trampoline: 

Anyone who knows me knows... I am just a little crazy but I am having fun and isn't that what makes it worth while?  So hopefully this encourages you and makes you laugh at the same time.... until tomorrow!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

40 days with Fitbit

40 Days with Fitbit!!!!

New Year New Goals...after 40 days of Facebook Fasting... I have now decided to continue with 40 Days with Fitbit.  So here goes...   On December 31,2012 I became the proud owner of the new Fitbit Aria... At first is just seemed like a cute little scale that says hello...step on... get's your weight and says step off... So with that I signed up... great $129.00 investment.  It has a place to log the food, water, etc...I am not a fitness guru at all.. and keeping me engaged is tricky at best. Joined a number of health clubs, MLM healthcare groups(that sell products), etc...and the reality is those are fine and might work for some but I am just an ordinary person making a change and really want to own it... So I am going to blog how I am doing and hope that it might encourage anyone to try with me...

 So on the go with Stephie Jo literally... I have had the scale a week and when you are going with the mindset of just becoming healthy...and log your can be interesting to see just how much my love for Mexican food can sabotage my weight... :) 

Logging the food the first week was scary...most days I am taking in at least 900 calories more than I should if I am going to loose weight... so not wanting to make it too hard I set my weight loss for easy plan... You have different levels... There is an interesting place to log your moods...and now I am beginning to wonder if the type of food, beverage I consume really does challenge your emotions...:) 

There is a neat little body that fills up with water as you log your water...this is great for the visually inspired person that I am... (it's the little things that make me happy).   

Saturday January 5th...Erick Roy and I invested in two Fitbit One Trackers... and these little gadgets are amazing...they track your steps, your stairs, your sleep, your calories burned your water... I am sure I am missing something but when you are tracking is amazing how quickly this engages you to challenge yourself and change your habits. Just think... I have stairs that I have to walk up it is going to count them... when I am walking into the clients office is going to count those too...

Here is a copy of my first night of sleep log...very interesting...

Week one lost 5 lbs... and they sent me a little email saying congratulations...this is pretty fun...:)  So here is to day One of having fun with some little changes... :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

40 Days of Facebook Fasting

I started 40 days of Facebook Fasting as a personal see if I could do it... today is day 40... Have I done it? pretty much... It has taught me a lot about myself and how much time I actually spent and boy what a misplaced priority it has been.  So just like an Alcoholic... I replaced this desire to check Facebook with my the You Version Bible App on my phone... and what a journey it has been.  It is  amazing how this seemingly innocent connection with others replaced the connection with the one I truly love and worship.  Now for those of you who know me... and I am pretty flawed ...I have more failed marriages than I would care to count... I have had more jobs in the past 5 years than most in my profession...I am who I am and the past has been more than challenging yet at the same time very much the reason I have the hope and passion I have for my one true love... the Lord Jesus Christ...

Am I going to start preaching? No not hardly...grew up a Southern Baptist and there are enough preachers without me adding to the mix.  But am I going to share with you what I have learned and what I am learning...

Life Lesson #6--Regardless of how many times your marry .... Marriage is hard.  Marriage is good.... you can change your last name a million times... but at the end of the day you are still the common denominator in the equation of any marriage...and there is only one person you can change...that is the one in the mirror.   In order to marry the right one you have to be the right one...

Life Lesson #5---Regardless of your beliefs, whether or not  divorce has ever entered into your homes... your children will grow up to be adults and make choices that will rip your heart out...we are all subject to FREE WILL and the consequences it brings.

Life Lesson #4---Unconditional love is not humanly possible is a God thing completely...something I can not is something I am in the process of learning to allow the Holy Spirit do through me..
Some of the topics I have read on in the past 40 days have been :  Confidence, Fight the Lies, Victory over Death, Discovering Hope Through Faith, Spirit of Gentleness, Hope, Grief, Suffering, Finding Strength in Depression, Decisions, Doubts, Attitude, Relationships, Suffering, Working Through Anger, Anxiety, Reconciliation, Trust, Forgiveness, Finding Real Happiness, Addictions, New Day, New You, last but not least...Learning Spiritual Discipline.  I am continuing on with these readings... and have found...the more I Facebook...the more I neglected the ones I love the most...

Life Lesson #3--I did not die without Facebook... and not sure it has the sparkle it has had for me...Everything has to have a balance.

Life Lesson #2--- I read a book 467 pages.... and for someone who is ADHD...non- medicated...this is quite a challenge.  Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers... and what a story of unconditional love... rejection, hurt, betrayal...yet still there was love, grace and peace... all based on the truth of the book of Hosea...

Life Lesson #1 ...Life is a challenge.  Over the past 40 days my family has been attacked ..from all sides, physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually.   With each new day I have a new arrow being shot at me...The most important Life Lesson I am learning... God First... Family Second... Work Third... and Facebook... LAST VERY LAST.... Happy New Year folks... it is good to be back in balance.