Wednesday, August 20, 2014

25 years a little town called Richardson

Today is the day after I said I do... 25 years ago... I said I do...and meant it and after  5  short years  going to marriage counseling alone... the counselor said... I can keep coming but it's time for you to move on... so I's funny to me... most years have come and gone and I didn't give them a second thought...this year it almost stung with the pain of what could have been...when the reality of what is comes rushing through I am certain God had his hand on me the entire time... I may have lost this marriage but I gained so much more... thank you Lord for unanswered prayers... there is an enemy crawling around....looking for loop holes to drag us back down...keep your head up keep your focus clear on the ONE who make the past perfectly clear!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

God is moving time to start blogging...

Almost a year got real.  Real enough for me to search...and grow.  For the past several years I have said the Lord's prayer before I go to sleep and when I just starts going off in my head like a tape recorder.

September 7th, 2013  I decide to check out The Branch @ Vista Ridge..Now I live closer to the one in Farmers Branch but  decide to check out the one I was invited to almost 5 years prior...My Son and I show up early on Sunday Morning September 8th ... we are met by the youth minister who is on fire for the Lord and  Immediately takes Miles underneath his wings... invites him to the after church get together and Miles jumps in both feet!  

I walk into the sanctuary...and what is written (painted) on the wall ...none other than the scripture I have been reciting...over and over in my head.... some might say that is just a nice little coincidence ...I know better. 

Sitting on the back pew... I happen to look up and sitting in front of me are parents of a close elementary friends of Miles... haven't seen since 2008 ..nice little coincidence... I think not.

After the service Miles informs me that not one but four of the group of boys  he use to have over to the house often... all attend ... nice coincidence... I know not.

September 8th, 2013 ...join ladies bible study ...going around the room everyone is introducing themselves...and who is in the room Miles's former 5th grade teacher,  I do believe God has spoken and said "Park it Missy" ..;)

I start on the bible study and decide I'm just gonna see what this "Celebrate Recovery" would be about  (started one...2008...yep you guessed it didn't finish) ...September 19th... I heard a testimony that would take me down to me knees... This will be the beginning of some refining ...healing... dealing... like never before.  

Day One Blogging...August 16,2014

Ok it's almost been a year and a half since my last attempt at blogging... so here goes nothing...I can honestly say the FITBIT is great and it does work at getting you motivated... the thing is you need to stick with it...and I am one to get "Oh look there's a chicken!"  DISTRACTED... so weight has creeped in...and walking needs to begin. 

I am taking on a new venture working in the field I love and learning new things daily...more on that later.

I am and always will be mesmerized by people...their actions..reactions..words and true passion in life is helping people in need.   I am a CO-DEPENDENT !!! TEXT BOOK DEFINITION!!!

There is freedom in admitting who you are and facing the reality is quite challenging.  The last year and half have been one of forgiveness...restoration...grace...mercy... as God is working and weaving a masterpiece in the mess I had made of my life by my own choices.  So as I continue to write I look forward to sharing from the heart...wide open and for all to the main purpose of our lives is to give back to others.   Praying that all will find hope, love and encouragement as we all journey this thing called life!


Stephie Jo